Thursday, October 05, 2006

How Do I Make Money?

In Second Life, your best bet it to buy your Linden$. To make money you have to be resourceful and you have to have a product that everyone wants, nay, NEEDS to have. Whether it's furniture, clothing or a script that has that special pizzazz. There are truly a lot of people who either subsidize their income or make a living off of Second Life Commerce. Not to discourage you, you could be one of them, but don't expect it to happen overnight.

There are a lot of businesses in Second Life that would be willing to pay for your time in world, but you have to remember, the exchange rates are different than in Real Life.

For example, you might have a streaming audio site and you DJ. You can get a single one time gig DJ'ing for a club. They might have you doing it for 2 hours and be paying $L200.00 and hour. That's a lot of Lindens, $L400.00 for two hours of just playing music. So lets see, at the current exchange rate there are $227.27 Lindens per $1.00 USD. So converting that $L400.00 you just make a whopping $1.76 USD. You can see, you're well on your way to fortune.

Jobs you can get in Second Life vary greatly. The most common are those who have become residents. (they pay either a monthly or yearly fee for their membership, then pay land fees monthly) These residents usually become builders or scripters and have a product or service that they feel might be beneficial in Second Life. They open a store, stock it and then wait for the sales to come in.

Another job is Escort. Yes, sex sells even in SL. If you're in the market to sell your talents and you're good at what you do, then charge a great price for the time you spend. Remember though, whether male or female, no one wants an escort without their "accessories". Did I mention that those are not cheap? They can cost upwards of $L500 for the very basic models, into the $L1000's for the deluxe.

Imagine, you can do or be whatever you want........ but it's going to cost you initially. NO ONE comes into Second Life and is given a key and a few hundred thousand Lindens. It just doesn't happen. The old adage, you have to spend money to make money is true just as much in Second Life as it is in Real Life.

So, get out your credit card statements, log online and check your available balances. You're going to need that little extra OTB (open to buy) if you want to have any money.


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